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Spiritual Travel to Hopi:
Sacred Guardians of the World

March 6-9, 2013
(Does not show travel time from/to your home location.)
Going Home painting

March 6:
Arrive Second Mesa. We meet Carla Woody at our lodging located in the Hopi Cultural Center complex for our opening circle at 4 PM to frame the intent of our journey. Settle into accommodations in Second Mesa.
March 7:
A full day exploration of Hopi villages Walpi and Old Oraibi, and Taawa Park, a well-preserved site with extensive petroglyphs. In the midst of these ancient places, learn the rich meaning they play in Hopi cosmology, history and present-day traditions shared through storytelling with Charlene and Harold Joseph and immersion practices offered by Carla Woody. Lunch provided. Overnight Second Mesa.
March 8:
We are invited into the Moencopi home of Charlene and Harold Joseph and introduced to everyday lifeways of the Hopi people. Charlene honors us with a visit to her ancestral home in the old village of Moencopi where she shares a poignant, little-told story that has its beginnings many generations ago still having affect today. We begin to understand the true meaning of place connected to spiritual identity. After dark we attend the Katsina night dance in one or more villages and witness these spirit beings as they work among their people with prayers. Traditional dinner provided. Overnight Second Mesa.
March 9:
After a full day and late night, we have some free morning time to rest or explore. Late morning award-winning silversmith Gerald Lomaventema opens his Second Mesa workshop to us and we learn the meaning of traditional symbols as they are used in Hopi creation stories, arts and how they translate to everyday life. Through a Hopi medicine man we enter into the world of traditional healing practices and herbal remedies. We end this day with our closing circle. Traditional dinner provided. Overnight Second Mesa.
March 10:
Participants make their journey homeward.
 Notes:Sky Harbor International Airport is the closest major airport to Hopi. Allow 4.5 hours from Phoenix to Second Mesa.

We build flexibility into the schedule. Activities may be adjusted to accommodate the weather or for other reasons beneficial to the group, if required.

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Kenosis Spirit Keepers - P.O. Box 10441 - Prescott, AZ 86304 - Tel. 928.778.1058