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Spiritual Travel to Peru
The Heart of the Andes

October 24-November 2, 2014
A journey co-sponsored by Kenosis and Kenosis Spirit Keepers.
A portion of tuition is tax-deductible.

Peru Mountains photo

Immersion Experience
in the Sacred Ways
of Indigenous Peru

Peru Girl photo

Photos from Previous Peru Trips
Travelers' Stories: Testimonials from Previous Peru Trips

You are invited to step outside time and enter a deeper reality! Experience the magic of Peru and the beauty of her people through conscious living teacher Carla Woody, Q'ero Spirit Keepers and other healers and cultural leaders.


Join with us as we travel to power places the average visitor never sees and enter the world of Native healing and spirituality. Set your intent to connect with the Cosmos... the Pachamama... with the spirits of the mountains... the rivers... with the light of the stars... then bring these energies home to inform your everyday life.

Our journey takes us to ancient sacred sites of the Incas and Pre-Incas in the Cusco Region and beyond as we enter into a relationship with the land. We explore the hidden areas in and around Cusco and the Sacred Valley — sacred sites, natural and human-made, some known only to the Native people who frequent them. There we will lay down our prayers through sacred ritual and meditation to discover what is resident there.

We receive a rare honor: an invitation from Juan Inka Roka, directly descended from the ancient Panaka Inka, of the Urin Qosqo dynasty, of the sixth Inkan government, "Inka Roka." He has kindly offered entrance to his family compound with ceremonial ruins in the ancient Awkayllo zone and a traditional pachamanca, a meal that slow food aficionados will relish.

In our wider travels, we develop relationship with Q'ero Spirit Keepers. We traverse the highlands of the Andes and come to rest in the Q'ero village of Ccochamocca. There we engage with the community, Elders and healers as they share their sacred ancestral traditions and invite us into their homes. Such intimate connections open the heart and will never leave us.


My relationship with Q'ero Spirit Keepers began in 1996 with my first trip to Peru working with Don Américo Yábar. Even though Q'ero friends and I don't speak the same tongue, over the years the language of the heart has prevailed. We've continued to share ceremonies, and Q'ero spiritual leaders sometimes traveled with us — something so special. Through the generosity of donors, Kenosis Spirit Keepers helped fund the first school ever in the Q'ero village of Ccochamocco. It opened its doors in 2010. Again through donor generosity, we were able to send emergency assistance to allay shortage of supplies, due to freak weather in August-September 2013, and warm clothing for the children. I've received a personal invitation to visit Ccochamocco. I'm inviting you to join me. Let's create an even stronger connection with these beautiful people, holders of their fragile traditions. —Carla Woody

This is a journey of ayni — sacred reciprocity. Sitting in despacho ceremony with the community we come together with blessings and prayers. As Q'ero Spirit Keepers share creation stories, medicine teachings and lifeways, our experience deepens. Meeting the children and teachers in their classrooms, our time sweetens.

For our part, we bring support to the new natural medicine clinic. I'm also told the mothers are eager to learn any holistic practices we may be able to bring them.

The village of Ccochamocco sits at 14,000 feet. Our travels to and from Cusco, via van and then horseback (as you wish) on the final leg, take us through scenery that is just unimaginable until you've been there. Our experienced Q'ero outfitter and helpers tend to our needs.

For details on tuition, go here.


The mountain lion goes to a place... He does this in a position of correct relationship with Mother Earth... Pachamama... When you become the mountain lion... like a mountain lion you will move. It will be your ally. If you can incorporate the spirit of the eagle, you will have a way to project your spirit that will be just natural for you... I want you to understand that this is the work we are going to do... all our lives. It is a path that expresses the sensation of a mountain lion facing the world... and the childish joy that each one of us has inside...

— Words of Don Américo Yábar
Excerpted from Calling Our Spirits Home by Carla Woody


Special Hopi Guest

Harold Joseph, Snow Clan, Shungopavi, Second Mesa, Arizona, will be accompanying us on our journey, as the official emissary of Hopi religious leader LeeWayne Lomayestewa, to seek prayers for the Hopi people.*

Harold Joseph photo As a member of the Snow Clan, we are responsible for many important functions of the traditional ceremonies. The practice of respect and loyalty must done in harmony with the natural world. On Hopi, we are experiencing increased divisions and outside pressures that threaten our way of life. We must remain strong to our traditions. In this way, the good way of life that respects all natural things are achieved for all humankind. The Q'ero spiritual leaders are strong in their prayers. I am honored to be representing the Hopi people in asking them to help us.

Harold Joseph

Harold Joseph, in his quest seeking prayers for Hopi traditions to survive, is sponsored through a portion of your tuition as tax-deductible through Kenosis Spirit Keepers, the nonprofit extension of Kenosis.

*Gerald Lomaventema, Bear Clan, was originally slated for this mission. However, he has now been called to Osaka, Japan to authenticate Hopi artifacts at that same time — a very important undertaking if you're aware of what happened at a Paris auction house. Harold Joseph has been designated by his religious leader in Gerald's stead. Gerald reaffirms his support through this statement:

Today we practice our religion as close as we can for our children. Our ancestors, who sacrificed a lot for our religion to continue, were the real Hopi. Today, who are we to say the religion should not continue? We are the ones responsible for respecting our ancestors' sacrifices in order for our ways to survive. But we need prayers from our relations in other parts of the world in our efforts to be spiritually connected. — Gerald Lomaventema


Contact us at 928-778-1058 or info@kenosisspiritkeepers.org for more information.

Carla Woody photoCarla Woody, MA, CHT... author of Portals to the Vision Serpent, Standing Stark and Calling Our Spirits Home, plus numerous articles on spirituality and advocacy of Native traditions. She has been mentoring people for more than twenty years. In 1999, Carla established Kenosis LLC to support human potential through spiritual travel journeys with Indigenous leaders, and programs integrating Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and world mythologies. Carla credits Peruvian mystic Don Américo Yábar with introducing her to the teachings of the Andes in 1994 where she has remained immersed. She has many years' direct experience with the Quechua and Q'ero people of Peru, the Maya people of Mexico and Guatemala, and the Hopi people of northern Arizona, as well other Native peoples. Carla founded Kenosis Spirit Keepers, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, in 2007 to help preserve Indigenous wisdom ways threatened with decimation.

The Q'ero call themselves the children of Inkari, the first Inka. They live in isolation at 14,000 feet in the Andes, as they have for hundreds of years after the conquistadors came, preserving their ancient mystical traditions. They are one of the most untouched by Western culture of Indigenous peoples in the Americas. From them we learn about pachacuti — stepping outside of time — and living in ayni, sacred reciprocity.

Christo Deneumostier Grill photo Christo Deneumostier Grill is largely responsible, alongside Dr. Emma Cucchi, with introducing coca into mainstream Peruvian culture as the nutritional food it is. Through the NGO K'uychiwasi Qosqo, meaning Rainbow House of Cusco, they researched alternative product preparations and educated coca growers in this purpose. Also an avid trekker, Christo holds knowledge of the many tucked away treasures of the Cusco region.

Martika Qorichayna photo Martika Qorichayna is of the people descended from the Taironas, the Kojis, the Keepers of Harmony for Humanity up in the Sierra Navada of Santa Marta, Colombia. Her journey's path began with life in the Andes of Colombia and moved to ancient temples and sacred sites in the high mountains of Cusco, where she recieved the blessing and medicine teachings of the Q'ero elders. She is a skilled practitioner of both herbal medicine and sound healing. As a ceremonial facilitator, she is guided by the medicine, spirits, and all the Wisdom Keepers of Time. With her husband Wachan Bajiyoperak and daughter Shiqwarkenti, they formed the traditional music group Willkasara and have traveled the world as cultural ambassadors.

Hannah Rae Porst photo Hanna Rae Porst, founder and director of the Peruvian non-profit organization Willka Yachay, has been living in Cusco and working with the indigenous people of the Q'ero Nation for the past four years. She founded Willka Yachay (Quechua for sacred knowledge) to develop education that enables young Q'eros to know their history and rights, preserve their culture and language, and develop their communities sustainably.

Cost: The Heart of the Andes: Early registration discount $2697 by June 20. After June 20: $2797. Registration cost includes an automatic donation (tax-deductible for US taxpayers) of $545 toward Kenosis Spirit Keepers projects to preserve Indigenous traditions.

Please note: Kenosis LLC is a philanthropic organization that limits normal profits in order to fundraise for Kenosis Spirit Keepers, its nonprofit extension. The tax-deductible donation is passed to you so that you become an integral part of this important work. No additional funds have been added to your tuition costs. See Other Information below.

Tuition includes all work with Carla Woody and other named spiritual guides and ceremonies, 6 nights lodging in double rooms in Cusco, 1 night lodging in a hostal in Paucartambo, all breakfasts/2 lunches/1 traditional pachamanca meal in Cusco, transportation in Cusco and Sacred Valley during formal group activities, translation services and any entrance fees; 3 nights in the Q'ero village of Ccochamocco, all food and water, van and horse transport to/from Cusco to the village, horses to carry supplies and personal belongings, lodging in family homes, translation services, experienced Q'ero guide and liaison assistance, any ceremonies, teachings and visits with the community. This is a program that benefits the Q'ero community. All outfitter support also originates within the Q'ero village of Ccochamocco.

Single supplement for Cusco lodging, if available: $240.

Tuition does not include airfare to/from Cusco. Neither does it include travel insurance (minimum emergency medical/evacuation required), beverages, snacks, meals not mentioned above, tips, or personal expenses incurred at lodging or elsewhere.

Also includes a pre- or post-trip Lifepath Design session — complimentary — with Carla Woody regarding intent or re-entry. Participants of spiritual travel programs are offered a special discount for the mentoring program Navigating Your Lifepath. This deep discount is not available to others but offered as an add-on to further support integration of the spiritual travel journey.

For complete details, contact us. Detailed logistics document sent upon registration. MC/Visa accepted via PayPal here.

Important to Note: We do not go to the tourist sites of Machu Picchu or the Sacred Valley, but reserve our programs for those harder to reach, often quite hidden, places. We seek to offer experiences that are unlikely you would have elsewhere.

Optional individual travel arrangements to Machu Picchu or the Sacred Valley before or after the formal offering are quite easy to arrange and inexpensive for you to travel there on your own. Many tour companies operate out of Cusco or are available online.
Deposit: Non-refundable deposit of $500 made out to Kenosis LLC to hold your place. Remainder due in full by July 25, 2014. Send final payment in two checks or money orders as follows: one check for $545 made out to Kenosis Spirit Keepers and the remaining registration amount to Kenosis LLC. Mail both to: Kenosis, PO Box 10441, Prescott, AZ 86304. To pay by credit card or PayPal go here.
Cancellation: Up to 90 days prior to the trip start, full refund (less non-refundable deposit). Between 89-70 days prior: 50% (less non-refundable deposit). Less than 70 days: no refund. We suggest travelers obtain travel insurance that covers trip cancellation for any reason.
Other Information: We believe in ayni, the sacred sense of reciprocity practiced in the Andes. Your tuition includes a financial contribution to support the welfare of the Quechua and Q'ero people with whom we engage, as well as other Native traditions.

For this year's Peru program, your donation goes to support:
  • Spirit Keepers Journey supporting Harold Joseph and his quest in this journey seeking prayers for Hopi traditions.
  • Ancestral Culture Center in the Q'ero village of Ccochamocco.
  • The Path's seed preservation program founded by Grandmother Flordemayo, esteemed member of the International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers.

CALL 928-778-1058 OR EMAIL info@kenosisspiritkeepers.org TO REGISTER!

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Last updated 31 March 2014   |  © 2008-2014 Kenosis Spirit Keepers