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August/September 2005 Volume 34

Welcome to this bi-monthly edition of our newsletter! You will find these columns contained in our August/September issue:

Metaphors for Life
Special Events
Book Review

I hope you enjoy this issue of Kenosis In-spirations...

Carla Woody, Founder

Metaphors for Life
Many traditions understand the power of teaching through stories. Our minds find a special repository for them. We unconsciously draw from this metaphorical resource bank when we need it most -- to guide and nourish us. Here you will find such tales, quotes and prose. As they have come to me, I pass them on to you just as our ancestors have done since the world was young.

Teaching is only demonstrating that it is possible. Learning is making it possible for yourself.

- Paulo Coehlo from The Pilgrimage

Life is nothing if not levels of learning, whether we freely enter the Perpetual School or are drug kicking and screaming into our lessons. We actually have no choice in the matter. In this column, I offer you philosophy, musings and information that you may take with you as they fit into your own lyceum.

Metaphors of the Journey

by Carla Woody

This year’s spiritual travel groups to Peru took us from the esoteric heights of Apu Ausangate, one of the most sacred mountain guardians surrounding Cusco, to the earthy humidity of the Manu jungle preserve. While the experience in Ausangate was much more physically challenging, the journey into the jungle was decidedly visceral and organic, each locale offering up its own resident energy.

I believe that people are drawn to a particular group itinerary by the need of their core intent. Ausangate advances the ethereal connection between heaven and earth – and the opportunity to travel on the light energy of stars. Manu is a conduit to reach into the depths of those things, old and musty, that call to be healed and released.

In the beginning, I always set the framework by telling the travelers that the nature of the work comes through a series of transmissions – through the energy of the land, our guides and sacred ceremonies. This is so even when it appears on the surface that nothing is happening. Everything is happening. Salk’a, the undomesticated energy, works that way. The left side most often exposes itself subtly, to be noticed only by the practiced eye.

Aside from the potential storylines that different locales create, the experiences of the group itself often coalesce around certain themes. The interplay of mortality and rebirth were the metaphors granted to the group who camped at Ausangate. But then the woven filaments of heaven and earth are inherent in that metaphor. Some of the travelers had recently lost loved ones to death and others were to be asked to handle or examine the realities of this sort of transition after the trip and their arrival to their separate homes. Yet throughout the journey we were presented with newborns over and over again, one only a few hours old, to bless or name. Eagles flew overhead at our entrance and exit to Ausangate. So even though our bodies sometimes protested, we felt one hundred percent alive – and blessed. That gift endures.

The jungle had other metaphors to offer to our second group, that of the river and tests. We floated down the Alto Madre de Dios, the High Mother of God, a major tributary to the headwaters of the Amazon. Interestingly, it flows all the way down from Ausangate where the first group camped a couple of weeks prior. At one point, the boat brought us to a small sandy beach to swim. While that was attractive enough, a short distance away was an incredible waterfall with a rock outcropping below it in the river. What better way to purify ourselves of what we wished to release than to experience such rushing water?

How each person approached that invitation, immediately jumping in to swim the expanse or hanging back, going as a group, pairs or alone was significant enough. But swimming in the strong current was a force that caught us by surprise. Each individual responded according to their own predisposition, or need for learning, whether it was to float with the flow, paddle furiously or get tangled up by the underbrush. We all had our process that took us to the other side. Having made it, I know I felt quite valiant and sensed that others did, too! The question then became how to carry home the strength, courage and surrender that the river sought to teach us. This then furthers the test and is the real meaning of our work together.

In the moment, did these things seem extraordinary? Sometimes, but most often not. We hiked, meditated, shared food, and traveled by horseback or on a bus, danced and a myriad other things. The entire time, the Mystery was present infusing the right side, not through what was blatantly obvious, but what lies beneath the surface. It is the tendency of the left side to tap us on the shoulder with a metaphor and say, “Look! Witness yourself! Allow!”

© 2005 Carla Woody. All rights reserved.

Note: For more background on salk’a, the left side and right side, read The Entrainment of Intent by Carla Woody published by Perspective Magazine.

Carla Woody is the author of the book Standing Stark: The Willingness to Engage and Calling Our Spirits Home: Gateways to Full Consciousness and founder of Kenosis, an organization supporting personal transformation. Carla has long been leading people toward mind/body/spirit wholeness using integrative healing methods blended with world spiritual traditions. She may be reached by e-mail at or by telephone (928) 778-1058.

Special Events
For more information call Kenosis at (928) 778-1058 or e-mail to request a flyer. If you are interested in sponsoring a book signing and/or workshop with Carla Woody, please contact us.

Ongoing   Meditation Practice. Mondays, 6:30-7:30 PM. Normally led by Carla Woody. We use breath, chant, subtle energy and guided imagery from a tapestry of world spiritual traditions to come to a place of inner peace. Donation basis to support Kenosis scholarship fund. No prerequisite except a desire for tranquility that you can take home. Held at Kenosis, 339 S. Cortez, Prescott.

Beginning August 27   Navigating Your Lifepath with Carla Woody and Cindy Foss. REGISTRATION FULL. Offered again in Fall 2006 in Prescott area. Using the proven techniques of NLP merged with practical spirituality. Life-altering coursework for those who want to create clear direction, move through limitations, deepen relationships and live through your Core Self. Guided incremental change in a powerful group setting held over five months for embedding the transformative process. Saturdays, 9:30 AM - 2 PM. August 27, September 10 and 24, October 15 and 29, November 5 and 19, December 10. Mentored study groups available. Early registration option 1: $550 with deposit of $50 by July 8 and remaining amount paid in full by August 26. Option 2:$595 by August 5. $625 after August 5. MC/Visa accepted. Other payment plans. Partial scholarship may be available. Previous graduates may register for $450. Call Kenosis at 928-778-1058 or for more info or to register. Held at 339 S. Cortez, Prescott. See what people are saying about this coursework.

Rescheduled to Spring 2006   Navigating Your Lifepath with Carla Woody. See listing above for content information. Three weekends: New dates available soon. Fridays 7-9 PM, Saturdays/Sundays, 10 AM - 4 PM. Early registration: $995 with deposit of $100 by TBD and remaining amount by TBD. After TBD:$1095. MC/Visa accepted. Other payment plans. Call Kenosis at 928-778-1058 or for more info or to register. Held Yakima, WA. See what people are saying about this coursework.

November 10-13   Crowning the Feminine Life: Initiating the Sacred. A Re-membering Retreat for women with Carla Woody. Theme: Discovering the points and circles, the initiations of our own lives as females and our underlying heritage, draws us back to the deep recognition and acknowledgement of who we are at the core. From that source, the landscape we journey is transformed. What was mythology becomes reality. Early registration by October 7: $560. After October 7: $595. Includes tuition, materials, lodging, 8 meals and use of facilities. Double occupancy in shared casitas. MC/Visa. Partial scholarship may be available. Group size limited due to space. Register now to guarantee your place! For more information, a flyer or to register, call Kenosis at 928-778-1058 or To be held at Mountain Sanctuary of Spirit north of Prescott.

Coming in 2006   NLP Practitioner Certification: The 20-day Program for Personal and Professional Mastery with Carla Woody. Two and three-day weekend program paced over time for integrative learning. Scheduled dates: January 27-29, February 18-20, March 4-5, March 24-26, April 21-23, May 27-29 and June 9-11. Early registration: Save $300 and lower tuition to $2195 with deposit of $395 by December 16 and remainder paid in full by January 15. Navigating Your Lifepath graduates deduct an additional $100 by early registration. After December 15: $2495. MC/Visa accepted. Held 339 S. Cortez St., Prescott.

Summer 2006   Embracing the Heart of the Andes. Spiritual travel to Peru working with internationally renowned mystic Don Américo Yábar and conscious living teacher Carla Woody, as well as other Andean healers and shamans. Trip I: June 16-29(includes camping at the sacred mountain Q'ero and intensive ceremonies with peoples of the Q'ero Nation.) NEARLY FULL. Trip II: July 2-15 (includes the Piura region on the northern coast of Peru near Ecuador.)Group size limited both trips. Watch for the Spiritual Travel page update in September with new photos and other details. For more information or to register, contact Kenosis at 928-778-1058 or This is an adventure of the spirit!

More often than not, the books, films and music you will find here will not be new or "bestsellers," but those I consider classics. They are classics in the sense that I experienced an impact in reading them that positively flavored my own journey.

The Pilgrimage
Paulo Coehlo
ISBN 0-06-251279-X

By some synchronicity two people on our spiritual travel groups brought Paulo Coehlo’s book By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept. It was compelling. Its message so much the flavor of teachings that Don Américo offered, that eight of us read it, unable to put it down. Coehlo is a well-known author with books translated into many languages, but I’d not read anything of his before that.

Having just returned from five weeks of my own travels, The Pilgrimage was appealing. It recounts Coehlo’s own quest on the Road to Santiago, a trek across northern Spain undertaken by pilgrims as far back as medieval times. The book has all the trappings of high adventure and the hero’s journey. Coehlo is sponsored under the auspices of a spiritual order, cryptically called “The Tradition.” The pursuit of a prize is involved. He has a guide walking beside him who mysteriously withholds information, who is alternately kind and stern, and gives practices as his student is ready. Along the way, he encounters tests. He is forced to face his own fears and discover his core energy.

Perhaps not coincidentally the book seemed to be another metaphor of my own recent group experiences! While I didn’t fly through The Pilgrimage as I did By the River Piedra, that was because I found myself reading a few pages at a time, allowing the underlying messages to integrate - and thrill in the excitement of seeing repeated what is already well familiar to me. Here is such a passage.

The secret is the following…You can learn only through teaching. We have been together here on the Road to Santiago, but while you were learning the practices, I learned the meaning of them. In teaching you, I truly learned. By taking on the role of guide, I was able to find my own true path.

- Carla Woody

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