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June/July 2007 Volume 45

Welcome to this bi-monthly edition of our newsletter! You will find these columns contained in our June/July issue:

Metaphors for Life
Special Events

I hope you enjoy this issue of Kenosis In-spirations...

Carla Woody, Founder

Metaphors for Life
Many traditions understand the power of teaching through stories. Our minds find a special repository for them. We unconsciously draw from this metaphorical resource bank when we need it most -- to guide and nourish us. Here you will find such tales, quotes and prose. As they have come to me, I pass them on to you just as our ancestors have done since the world was young.

The wind is never favorable to those who don't know where they are going.

— Lucius Annaeus Seneca

I was delighted when I came across this quote. It shows that wisdom prevails; runs through the ages and disparate teachings. Said another way through Don Américo Yábar, “The wind has a direction and knows where it’s going.”

This is a very different state of being than having a goal, typically taught in Western culture. The condor doesn’t sit there frantically flapping its wings. Instead, it merely waits, senses the wind, then raises its wings – and allows the wind to take it.

Life is nothing if not levels of learning, whether we freely enter the Perpetual School or are drug kicking and screaming into our lessons. We actually have no choice in the matter. In this column, I offer you philosophy, musings and information that you may take with you as they fit into your own lyceum.

The Cleanse

Excerpted from Calling Our Spirits Home by Carla Woody

I was drawn to go to India. I was inexplicably drawn from the depths of my soul. I had no words of explanation for my friends and family. I had no expectations toward the outcome. Yet, I knew that India had something to teach me and that I would learn. I found myself in a state of not knowing, but trusting.

We landed in Delhi in the early morning hours. As our taxi conveyed us to our hotel, I was immediately transported back to 1978. Magically, my time travel took me to the six months I spent in Iran. There was a palpable aura of dejá vu as I noted the walls at streets’ edges barring glimpses into homes beyond and battered shutters rolled down over crumbling shop fronts. The same coating of dust blanketed everything. I saw the faces of the Iranian people I knew back then in the dark skin and beautiful brown eyes of our taxi driver. I said to myself, “This is nothing new.”

In the days that followed, I made entries into my mental databank: beautiful architecture, beggars on the street, tent dwellings, exquisite handicrafts, waves of people, gracious smiles, noxious fumes and traffic without rules. Each time effectively disassociated I said, “I’ve seen this before.” Then, we left Delhi and went to Jaipur.

While still in Delhi, I journaled my feelings that as I looked back on them later seemed prophetic to me. I wrote, “I feel as though I am waiting to leave Delhi and go to Jaipur where something awaits me. I have the sense of going into myself and knowing that Self in all its manifestations¾past, present and future¼will make a conscious choice and emerge reborn. The energies are moving inside my body as I write this, as though in agreement. This will be Initiation.”

I spent the first couple of days in Jaipur in meditative practices sequestered in the compound of Diggi Palace where we were staying. Diggi Palace was so named from its history of having been the hunting lodge of a long-gone maharaja. Its modest rooms and grounds provided an oasis in the heart of Jaipur. On the third day, my companion and I left the grounds and encountered Choutu Singh, the young Indian man who would become our constant guide. He offered us the services of his rickshaw and there I began my Initiation.

It seemed that Choutu drove us through every aspect of Jaipur that existed and suddenly I experienced all as new¾and connected directly to me. From my enduring meditations, or perhaps from just being in Mother India for some days then, I was in a heightened state of awareness. As we drove through byways and alleyways, the material destitution of the people I saw entered me. The filth that I saw entered me. The barrage of noise and toxic air entered me. The open sides of the rickshaw found no barrier, physical or psychic, that divided any experience from me. There were no boundaries. All was seamless and I said out loud, “I’ve never seen anything like this.”

We had stopped in a gem shop when I noticed the sore throat¾ immediate, sudden. Although feeling enormously healthy prior to our venture out that afternoon, by the time we returned to Diggi Palace less than an hour later, I was starting to feel very ill. Fever, chills, insomnia and acute body aches were my companion through the night. Inexplicably, waves of intense sadness would rise from unaccountable depths within me. It was mine and it was not mine. Tears streamed down my face off and on through the night and during meditation the next morning. Then, I put hands on myself with the intent of healing and began to feel better throughout the day. That night I had a normal night’s sleep and awoke feeling energetic and light as though I had been through a deep cleanse.

© 2007 Carla Woody. All rights reserved.

Carla Woody is the author of the book Standing Stark: The Willingness to Engage and Calling Our Spirits Home: Gateways to Full Consciousness and founder of Kenosis, an organization supporting personal transformation. Carla has long been leading people toward mind/body/spirit wholeness using integrative healing methods blended with world spiritual traditions. She may be reached by e-mail at or by telephone (928) 778-1058.

Special Events
For more information call Kenosis at (928) 778-1058 or e-mail to request a flyer. If you are interested in sponsoring a book signing and/or workshop with Carla Woody, please contact us.

Summer 2007   Embracing the Heart of the Andes. Spiritual travel to Peru working with internationally renowned mystic Don Américo Yábar and conscious living teacher Carla Woody, as well as other healers and shamans. Group size limited to 12 all trips.

June 11-24 Sponsored by Kenosis.Full

May 26-June 8 Edge Work Institute in partnership with Kenosis.Registration closed.

For trip itineraries, tuition and other information, please go to the webpage.

Scholarship program for young adults (18-25) co-sponsored by Kenosis and Nine Gates Programs, Inc. For more information or to register, contact Kenosis at 928-778-1058 or

This is an adventure of the spirit! WATCH FOR 2008 PROGRAMS INFO SOON.

July 31-August 7   Awakening Global Action Sponsored by Bali Institute for Global Renewal. Special Workshop Intensive with Carla Woody: Ancient Ways for Today's Awakeners. Other opportunities for cutting edge learning. This seven day conference provides personal dialogue with world leaders and global change agents. See or call 1-866-458-BALI (2254) for more information. Held in Ubud, Bali.

October 18-21   Annual Women's Retreat with Carla Woody. SAVE THE DATES. More information coming soon. Call Kenosis at 928-778-1058 or for more info to register. Held in the Prescott, Arizona area.

January 11-23, 2008   Entering the Maya Mysteries with Carla Woody, Alonso Mendez and more. Spiritual travel to Mexico visiting hidden sacred places and engaging in nearly extinct ceremonies of the Lancandon Maya. Group size limited. Early registration by November 10: $2395. After November 10: $2495. Scholarship program for young adults (18-25) co-sponsored by Nine Gates Programs, Inc. For more information, contact Kenosis at 928-778-1058 or

Note: Private groups may be arranged. If you have a group of 8-15, contact us for more information.

This is an adventure of the spirit!

Ongoing   Meditation Practice guided by Carla Woody and friends of the circle. Mondays, 6:30-7:30 PM. We use breath, chant, subtle energy and guided imagery from a tapestry of world spiritual traditions to come to a place of inner peace. Donation basis to support the Kenosis scholarship fund. No prerequisite except a desire for tranquility that you can take home. Held at Kenosis, 339 S. Cortez, Prescott, AZ.

Ongoing   Private Consultation is available with Carla Woody in-person or via telephone. Addressing life direction, relationship, spiritual emergence and whole health. Integrating NLP, subtle energy work and sacred world traditions to make a lasting positive difference.

Contact Kenosis at 928-778-1058 or Office at Kenosis, 339 S. Cortez, Prescott, AZ.

Ongoing   Sufi Class and Practice led by Yaqin Lance Sandleben. Fourth Wednesday of each month, 7 PM. Explores path of awakening through classical and modern Sufi teachings, poetry, practice and mysticism of sound. Recognition of Truth in all religious traditions. Donations requested but not required. For more info, email Yaqin Lance Sandleben. Held at Kenosis, 339 S. Cortez St., Prescott.

More often than not, the publications or music you will find reviewed here will not be new or “bestsellers.” Websites or organizations may not be well known. But all are spotlighted by virtue of their impact and value.

Beyond the Gates of Splendor
A Documentary by Jim Hanon

This is a film that is in one instant horrifying and then delivers lasting inspiration and hope for humanity. It centers on the Waodani, also called Acuas, a tribe living in isolation in the Amazon rain forest in Ecuador. Anthropologists haven’t been able to determine their origins. They live in areas otherwise populated by Quechua Indians, but have their own unique culture quite different than any other – especially one aspect. A heritage of extreme violence.

The teaching passed down was “spear and live, or be speared and die.” Six out of ten deaths were the result of spearing. They had no method to resolve conflict other than this. Their two highest values were egalitarianism and autonomy. Should anyone within or outside the tribe violate those values, attack was the answer. Because of this practice the tribe was threatened with extinction and their Quechua neighbors lived in great fear of them.

In the mid-1950s five American missionaries living in the region sought them out and attempted to befriend them. What started out as a promising venture ended in massacre. The tale could have ended there, but didn’t, which is where the inspiration comes in. In an amazing show of courage, compassion and forgiveness, the wives and children of the men who died entered the Waodani village responsible for the deaths and were invited to stay.

The story of the positive effect of these missionaries unfolds across a few decades. A thing I especially appreciated is that these women didn’t attempt to replace the Waodani’s religion with their own but incorporated beliefs toward nonviolence and love. Not the usual case with most missionaries or conquerors who seek to erase any outside influences. To quote an anthropologist interviewed in the film, what changed was the information available to the Waodoni about another way to live. The spearings ended and the tribe has lived in peace for many years.

There’s much more to recommend this film, but that’s for you to discover. I also watched the Hollywood version “The End of the Spear” and it was equally well done against incredible backdrops. See for more introduction.

- Carla Woody

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