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August/September 2007 Volume 46

Welcome to this bi-monthly edition of our newsletter! You will find these columns contained in our August/September issue:

Metaphors for Life
Special Events

I hope you enjoy this issue of Kenosis In-spirations...

Carla Woody, Founder

Metaphors for Life
Many traditions understand the power of teaching through stories. Our minds find a special repository for them. We unconsciously draw from this metaphorical resource bank when we need it most -- to guide and nourish us. Here you will find such tales, quotes and prose. As they have come to me, I pass them on to you just as our ancestors have done since the world was young.

Nature as a form of therapy…In a study on “ecotherapy,” 108 people went cycling or walking, or took part in outdoor conservations projects. Afterward, 94 percent said such “green” exercise had improved their mental health.

— Appearing in This Week Magazine

I’ve had folks ask me how to diffuse “heavy” energy or depression on their own. Connect with nature. Put your belly on the ground. Let the Mother Earth take it. A number of years back I was going through a particularly challenging time in my life. To clear myself, I would hike into the middle of the forest up to a rise where it was forever windy, sit on a big stone and let the wind siphon off anything I wanted to release. I’m here to tell you that it works well.

Life is nothing if not levels of learning, whether we freely enter the Perpetual School or are drug kicking and screaming into our lessons. We actually have no choice in the matter. In this column, I offer you philosophy, musings and information that you may take with you as they fit into your own lyceum.

Signs for our Times

by Carla Woody

The basis of the work we do through Andean mystic Don Américo Yábar is about heart connection and “being”, unlearning, shedding the hucha, or heavy energy, and allowing light energy to be present – ultimately it’s about alignment to our core being, our salk’a, undomesticated energy. This is also true for any of the spiritual travel programs or retreats offered through Kenosis.

The work self-organizes on the left side well before we all first meet in person as a group.* Each person who shows up in a particular group is called there to help produce a specific theme of opening and/or healing. Hence, the experience someone has one time may be different the next time. It’s a matter of readiness for what is to be undertaken.

There are many levels to the work going on simultaneously. But the origin is always pushed from the left side and presented in whatever form is most useful for group and individual purpose within that timeframe we’re together. Different groups seem to have different central themes. Sometimes we become more aware of the left side of our work through continual appearances of symbolic affirmation or through dreams, waking visions, paranormal encounters and the like. Other times we have forceful happenings on the right side that bring out parts of the ego personality, or woundedness, that require being brought to the surface in order to be released.

During one of our 2006 travel groups in Peru something very unusual occurred. While we were gathered with the Q’eros, engaged in ceremony at Huaypo Lake outside Cusco, an eagle and condor flew – together – overhead. It was during that trip that an intent I’d had for a number of years, to bring natives living in the USA to Peru to share traditions with their Quechua cousins, began to take physical form.

The Eagle and Condor Prophecy is well known to the indigenous people of the Americas. It says that when these native peoples reunite it will bring them a renewed sense of honor and healing, creating a shift in consciousness for us all. The eagle is the symbol of the upper world in North America. Its counterpart in South America is the condor. The time prophesied is now. While there are large gatherings taking place for this purpose, it’s been my intent to provide small groups with opportunity for intimate encounters that touch the souls of those involved.

As you may know through previous notices, I announced this past March that I’d established the Spirit Keepers Fund to support this process. Through the help of Jacob Devaney of the White Buffalo Children Foundation who spearheaded a benefit concert, plus private donations and Spirit Keepers scholarships, we were able to bring a Hopi father and son, both initiated in the Kachina Society, from Shongopovi, Second Mesa, Arizona, with us for our first group this summer - a small start but a powerful one.

The journey was poignantly emotional for all of us. A number of times we were moved to tears as one or another spoke of the gratitude of being in circle in this way. When we were gathered with the Q’eros in ceremony, not only were the initial numbers who had joined with us unusually large, but they kept showing up in ones and twos. Something was drawing them. One Q’ero man requested that our Hopi friend work his medicine with the man’s son who had an ear infection. It was beautiful to witness this healing exchange, only one of several that took place throughout our time together.

The theme of this particular journey was indeed the merging of the eagle and condor by bringing our Hopi friends together with the Q’ero and Mollamarka Indians. But I believe this act has larger effect than what seemed like a simple time of sharing, humor and love. During our travels the left side spoke loudly and consistently in validation. The left side presented us with numerous daily sightings of eagles and/or condors, sometimes flying together. Often it would happen when our Hopi friends were speaking. This in places where, either they’re not known to frequent or sightings are few. Very early one morning while at Salk’awasi, Don Miguelito excitedly rapped on Don Américo’s door to tell him he’d just seen a condor flying down the canyon under the full moon – an extreme rarity in that area.**

Some may think me a little crazy to believe in such symbols and affirmations. But I think not. There are many worlds within the world that we can glimpse if we’re attuned to do so. In this case, the Mystery wanted us to really get it and leave nothing to chance, through signs hard to ignore or invalidate.

Besides, in our next group, following right on the heels of the first one, condors were entirely absent and an eagle was only sighted maybe once or so, which is more usual. I know because I was watching for them to appear again and they didn’t, even though we covered much of the same terrain. And, while equally powerful, the next group had an entirely different, but also clearly visible track of intent with repeated opportunities for opening. Their work manifested differently.

I extend my heartfelt appreciation to David and Clarence Washington of the Hopi Nation for being willing to join us, and to Jacob Devaney for his help and everyone else who made donations and assistance to make this possible. I have special gratitude to Don Américo and Gayle Yábar for joining me in this vision and putting their intent behind it as well. We are now working to bring six Hopis and others with us in Summer 2008 and to make these engagements ongoing, including other tribes.

To view some photos and stories from the 2007 Spirit Keepers Journey, enter through the Peru Photos page.


*In the Andean model of the world they talk about right and left sides of life. The right side is anything cultural, hierarchical, or analytical. It’s any technique or ritual, any construct of the mind or ego. It’s referred to as domesticated energy and where most of us put our attention — ordinary reality and everyday living.

The left side is common to everyone, but most forget it’s there. In the Andes, they characterize this undomesticated energy as salk’a. It’s what the Taoists identify as the original face and I call the Core Self. It’s the Mystery and seat of creation.

**Salk’awasi, known as the house of undomesticated energy, is Don Américo’s ancestral home located outside the village of Mollamarka high in the Andes.

© 2007 Carla Woody. All rights reserved.

Carla Woody is the author of the book Standing Stark: The Willingness to Engage and Calling Our Spirits Home: Gateways to Full Consciousness and founder of Kenosis, an organization supporting personal transformation. Carla has long been leading people toward mind/body/spirit wholeness using integrative healing methods blended with world spiritual traditions. She may be reached by e-mail at or by telephone (928) 778-1058.

Special Events
For more information call Kenosis at (928) 778-1058 or e-mail to request a flyer. If you are interested in sponsoring a book signing and/or workshop with Carla Woody, please contact us.

July 31-August 7   Awakening Global Action Sponsored by Bali Institute for Global Renewal. Special Workshop Intensive with Carla Woody: Ancient Ways for Today's Awakeners. Other opportunities for cutting edge learning. This seven day conference provides personal dialogue with world leaders and global change agents. See or call 1-866-458-BALI (2254) for more information. Held in Ubud, Bali.

October 18-21   Faces in the Sun: Culling Dimensions of the Feminine Spirit. A Re-membering Retreat for women with Carla Woody and special guest teacher Carol Kennedy. Theme: The depth of our connections to the beauty within us is a gift we return to our origins. In sacred reciprocity, intent becomes the sister guiding us. Discovering the circles of our own lives as females and nurturing our natural heritage, welcomes us to the deep recognition of who we are at the core. From that source, the landscape we journey is transformed. Drawing on world spiritual traditions and archetypes of the ages, what was mythology becomes reality. To be held at The Stone House at Chauncey Ranch east of Prescott, AZ. Early registration by September 21: $575. After September 21: $595. Includes tuition and materials, lodging, 8 meals and use of nature trails. Shared rooms. MC/Visa. Partial scholarship may be available. Group size limited due to space. Register now to guarantee your place! For more information, a flyer or to register, call Kenosis at 928-778-1058 or

January 11-23, 2008   Entering the Maya Mysteries with Carla Woody, Alonso Mendez and more. Spiritual travel to Mexico visiting hidden sacred places and engaging in nearly extinct ceremonies of the Lancandon Maya. Group size limited. Early registration by November 10: $2395. After November 10: $2495. Scholarship program for young adults (18-25) co-sponsored by Nine Gates Programs, Inc. For more information, contact Kenosis at 928-778-1058 or

Note: Private groups may be arranged. If you have a group of 8-15, contact us for more information.

This is an adventure of the spirit!

Ongoing   Private Consultation is available with Carla Woody in-person in Prescott, AZ or via telephone. Addressing life direction, relationship, spiritual emergence and whole health. Integrating NLP, subtle energy work and sacred world traditions to make a lasting positive difference.

Contact Kenosis at 928-778-1058 or

More often than not, the publications or music you will find reviewed here will not be new or “bestsellers.” Websites or organizations may not be well known. But all are spotlighted by virtue of their impact and value.

KINTU - Ofrenda
Music by Tito La Rosa and Enrique Cardenas

During one of this summer’s Peru journeys we traveled to Puerto Maldonado, low jungle near Brazil, and stayed downriver at a rainforest lodge. While we were there I discovered Tito La Rosa. When I play his music I’m absolutely transported. He has several CDs out, including The Prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor where he partners with Mary Youngblood.

KINTU is a favorite of mine. A kintu is an offering made in the Andes by holding three coca leaves together and blowing gently on them, sending prayers to the spirits of the apus, or sacred mountains, and Pachamama, or Mother Earth. Kintus also are an important part of the despacho ceremony for blessings.

In this CD, La Rosa and Cardenas musically explore the three worlds of the Andes, the Uhupacha (interior world), the Kaypacha (middle world) and Hanachpacha (upper world). They instrumentally weave the physical representations of these dimensions together through such titles as The Spirit of the Serpent, The Dream of the Puma and The Spirit of the Condor, as well as several others. I was delighted to find Celebration of Life which I readily recognized having heard it many times through my years journeying in Peru.

For those who have immersed themselves in the sacred traditions of the Andes, KINTU will be like a remembrance. I recommend this CD to anyone for meditation, as a backdrop for ceremony and just pure enjoyment. The cover copy is in Spanish and the recordings are purely instrumental.

I googled the title and was only able to locate it in the USA at the Shamans Market where you will also find Tito La Rosa’s other CDs offered.

- Carla Woody

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