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NLP Core Skills

Facilitated by

Carla Woody, MA, CHT
Certified NLP Health Practitioner

Developers of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, or NLP, researched the mind sets and strategies of countless masters in their fields and solved the mysteries of great success! Their discoveries have been distilled into skills and processes that you can easily learn. Used correctly, the time-tested methods of NLP are guaranteed to powerfully enrich any aspect of your personal and professional life.

This training specifically focuses on creating positive change through advanced communication and observation skills, powerful decision-making tools and peak experience states. When NLP is used in a heart-felt way, everyone involved benefits.

You'll leave this four-day workshop knowing how to:

  • Decipher your mind's "software"... and that of other individuals.
  • Hone your capability to understand cues others continually offer you through their verbal and non-verbal communications... and respond effectively.
  • Use rapport-building skills to connect and move through even challenging situations.
  • Gather information with laser-like precision.
  • Translate your life dreams into a sound, achievable plan.
  • Access peak mental states to shift a problem and increase motivation.
  • Create win-win outcomes.
  • And much more...

This training is for you if you want to:
  • Grow as a person.
  • Deepen your relationships.
  • Become a master communicator.
  • Develop creatively.
  • Overcome "stuck" states.
  • Create successes.
  • Assist others to learn and evolve.

YOU WILL BENEFIT IF YOU ARE... in a helping field... business... education... mediation... the Arts... in virtually any line of work... AND YOUR SERVICE POPULATION WILL PROFIT.

Step into your own potential!
For more information, see What Is NLP?

Design: NLP Core Skills is offered as a four-day training held over a six- to eight-week period for embedded learning. This experiential, skills-based workshop includes a manual. It is possible to hold an on-site program tailored specifically for your organization or group.

Carla Woody, M.A., CHT has been an advanced practitioner and trainer of NLP for over a decade. She credits NLP as the master tool in her toolbox that has enabled her to maneuver successfully in the worlds of business, education, mediation and health. Using NLP as the foundation, she has guided her clients in achieving mind-body health, deepening relationships, creating fruitful transitions and even increasing spiritual connection. She is the author of Calling Our Spirits Home, Standing Stark (publication late 2003) and the coursework: Navigating Your Lifepath.

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