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The Prosperity Lab

Universal Principles, Brain Science & Quantum Physics
Practical Application

Facilitated by

Carla Woody, MA, CHT

Masters throughout time have alluded to the Mysteries of Creation, taught Universal Laws and written about them in spiritual literature world-wide. But where does that leave us when important ingredients for our understanding are missing? How do we draw upon these principles to enhance our own lives when the "how to" is sketchy or absent? How do we transcend habits that are all-too-human that cause us to get in our own way? How can the workings of the Mystery be made readily available to those who seek it?

By definition, a laboratory is a place providing an opportunity for experimentation, testing and observation. In our lab we will invite cutting edge discoveries in brain science, quantum physics and other fields of study to merge with world spiritual teachings. Through this distillation process we create a template with hands-on methods that you apply and make your own.

Move past the stage of intellectual insight to create actual experience, the requirement to make prosperity a way of life — indeed a spiritual practice. If you're undergoing lack in some way... if you've achieved "success" yet find that you're compromising yourself... if you've come to a crossroads and want to step off the beaten track... or to fully embody your birthright... then join us and venture into the world of potentials and make your chosen one real! Here's a peek at just some of the things you'll learn how to:

  • Call upon your inherent creative impulse to open pathways;
  • Use a natural resistance to change for actually furthering your progress;
  • Discover the snowball effect of true intent;
  • Recreate your past in such a way that enlarges upon the life you want;
  • Visit a potential future to make mindful decisions today;
  • Listen to the truth in your body-mind and much more...

Participants should come prepared with a specific project to institute, idea to evaluate or area of their life to enhance.

Carla Woody photo Carla Woody, M.A., CHT... Author of Calling Our Spirits Home, Standing Stark: The Willingness to Engage is the founder of Kenosis LLC, an organization based in Prescott, Arizona, supporting human potential through workshops and spiritual travel opportunities.

Nearly 15 years ago she left a "safe" government career to develop a lifestyle that fulfills her. She now leads retreats internationally sharing an integration of NLP, subtle energy work and sacred world traditions, especially the mysticism of the Andes. Carla is the developer of "The Re-Membering Process", a model for spiritual growth, and works with individuals and groups in areas of transition, relationships, spiritual emergence and whole health. See the Prescott Woman Magazine article for more information.

Kenosis LLC - PO Box 10441 - Prescott, AZ 86304 - 928.778.1058 -
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