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Sites for Peru Trips

Puno: Puno is both a region and a city located on the shores of Lake Titicaca. In the distance Bolivia, with its snow-covered high peaks, can be seen. The Aymara have been indigenous to the area from times untold and cosmology says that Manco Capac and Mama Ocllo, ancestors of the Q'ero people, were born from the waters of Lake Titicaca to form the Inca Empire. Within the region there are many sacred sites, some whose names and locations are kept secret from outsiders. We are fortunate to have access to them as well as places known to the usual visitors. We will stay in the city of Puno in a family-run hotel near the lively pedestrian zone, making day trips and returning in the evening.

Manu National Park, whose borders begin high in the Andes, is a national treasure. We will descend through the cloud forest to range deep into the jungle; floating down the Alto Madre de Dios River, a tributary of the Amazon, we come to rest at the base of the Pantiacolla Mountains. Here we will work with the energies of the rain forest, and have an excellent opportunity to sight monkeys, coati, deer, peccary, tapir, giant anteaters and more than five hundred species of birds in their natural habitats.

This trip is an opportunity to experience the highlands of the Andes and high jungle. This is a physically easy trip with only very moderate hiking. Accommodations are hotel and lodge, except Salk'awasi (the Yábar ancestral home — sleeping bag required).

Puerto Maldonado is known as Peru's capital of biodiversity. Here we explore the energies of the low jungle close to Brazil and stay in a beautiful lodge known for its excellent food. In the midst of wild, untouched rain forest we discover a sacred lake of tranquility where all-but-extinct giant otters swim. Monkeys, caimans and rare species of birds are readily visible.

This trip is an opportunity to experience both the highlands of the Andes and the low jungle of Peru, which have different indigenous practices. This will be a physically easy trip with only very moderate hiking. Accommodations are hotel or lodge, except Salk'awasi (the Yábar ancestral home — sleeping bag required).

The Sacred Valley is located in the green Vilcanota River and Urubama River valleys below Cusco, surrounded by dramatic mountains. Here we will visit the great ruins of Pisac, Ollantaytambo, Moray, walk the trails the Inca walked and visit present-day markets.

This trip is an opportunity to experience the hub of the Inca civilization and the highlands of the Andes. Moderate hiking involved. Accommodations are hotels, except Salk'awasi (the Yábar ancestral home — sleeping bag required).

Q'ero: During our June 2005 trip Carla received an invitation to come to Q'ero from Q'ero elders during our ceremony with them. This is not only a great honor, but a rare occurrence, and the basis for this particular trip.

We believe it has the potential of being just as profound as our Ausangate trip in June 2005, metaphorically reaching similar heights in spirit as well as the reality of altitude. Logistically, it will be similar as well. This is like going on safari with a full entourage, e.g. cooks, pack horses, day's ride via horseback up and back, camping at around 17,000 ft in altitude and potential for cold weather, especially at night. It's a trip for the spiritually and physically hardy! Your own tent and sleeping bag are required for Q'ero.

Piura: We will experience solitary spaces close to Ecuador with beaches, deserts and presence of the village people. Our work will take us into the magic and rituals of ancient cultures that are all but disappearing and the legacy of the Mochica and Chimu.

This trip is an opportunity to experience both the highlands of the Andes and the northern coast of Peru, which have different indigenous practices. This will be a physically easy trip with only very moderate hiking. Lodging is in hotels, except Salk'awasi (the Yábar ancestral home – sleeping bag required).

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