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Read posts in The Lifepath Dialogues, Carla Woody's blog.

February 27

March 27

October 14-22
  The Lifepath Dialogues with Carla Woody, 6:30-8:00 PM. Exploring the many threads that weave together an expressive celebrated life. Check the blog for this month's special guest and topic. Offered as a free community service on fourth Wednesdays at Creekside Center, 337 N. Rush Street, Prescott, Arizona. For more information, contact Kenosis at 928-778-1058 or

The Lifepath Dialogues with Carla Woody, 6:30-8:00 PM. Exploring the many threads that weave together an expressive celebrated life. Check the blog for this month's special guest and topic. Offered as a free community service on fourth Wednesdays at Creekside Center, 337 N. Rush Street, Prescott, Arizona. For more information, contact Kenosis at 928-778-1058 or

Spiritual Travel to France: La Source of Provence with Carla Woody, Marlène Boyer and Claire Turquin Silhouette. Join us in this unique program that melds sacred Mary Magdalen sites, the energy of the land, with a hearty taste of old Provençal culture and cuisine — and the influential art that was born of it. Early registration discount ends June 15. Limited to 7 travelers. A percentage of proceeds from will go to Kenosis Spirit Keepers projects to benefit preservation of Indigenous traditions. For details on this travel program, visit the France Trip page.

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December 9-22   Entering the Maya Mysteries with Carla Woody, Carol Karasik and Chip Morris. Spiritual travel to Chiapas, Mexico and El Petén, Guatemala visiting sacred Maya sites and participating in nearly extinct traditions. Through clearing rituals and ceremonial circles we engage with authentic Spirit Keepers living among their people: Doña Panchita, curandera of Palenque; Don Antonio Martinez, the last elder of the Lacandón Maya maintaining his traditions; Tzotzil Maya religious leader Don Xun Calixto; and Tat Apab'yan Tew, traditional Maya Daykeeper and spiritual guide.

Note: Registration includes an automatic donation (tax-deductible for U.S. taxpayers). Automatic donations from the tuition of this program go directly to support the Sacred Seed Temple to preserve Native seeds for traditional healing and agriculture. This program is maintained by The Path, founded by Flordemayo, member of the International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers. For more information on the involvement of Kenosis Spirit Keepers with this project go here.

This is an immersion experience in Maya cosmology, ceremony, medicine and arts. Group size limited. A Spirit Keepers Journey co-sponsored by Kenosis and Kenosis Spirit Keepers, the nonprofit extension of Kenosis. For more information, contact Kenosis at 928-778-1058 or

Note: Private groups may be arranged. If you have a group of 8-10, contact us for more information.

This is an adventure of the spirit!

Ongoing   Navigating Your Lifepath is a six-month program closely mentored by Carla Woody guiding people to re-engage their dreams and make their highest priorities a vibrant reality. The program may be undertaken privately. Periodically it may be offered to a group as a virtual program. For more information and to request an application please send a message to or call 928-778-1058.

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