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We serve human potential and hold the vision — "one tribe, one world."

Do you wake up inspired and ready to embrace the day?
Are you living your spiritual values and a fully expressive life?


Are you burnt out? Struggling in your career... relationship... finances... health... ?
Do you feel like you're living someone else's life?
Has your vision of WHO YOU ARE slipped away?

Many of us wake up one day and find that we must actively step into the process of kenosis. We must drain the unwitting containers of society's programming we became in order to live from a place of authenticity, fulfillment and true service.

The word kenosis comes from Greek meaning to empty. With the continued emphasis in Western culture of faster and more at the expense of quality in our lives, we saw a need to offer ways to discern what is real and what truly matters in today's confusing world. Through our programs you have an opportunity to dispense with blocks and distractions you inadvertently ingested and mindfully step into an authentic life that affirms you and supports earth-honoring values.

shadow photo The gift we have been given is the one called possibility, whose intent offers to tie all together, creating strands of a whole life rather than a disintegrated one. The gift we have been granted is what throws light into dark places. The gift held out to us has always been present. But accepting the gift has a price — courage. It is an undying courage that allows any of us to whip the dream horse and startle awakening.

— from Standing Stark: The Willingness to Engage



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If you experience a low-grade ache for something richer... if you want to create a better world... then I invite you to join us on a journey that begins with each individual — and benefits all.

Carla Woody
Carla Woody

Spiritual Travel Programs
We provide immersion experiences in the indigenous rituals, medicine and traditions of Mexico, South and Central America normally not open to outsiders. Other programs also available.
Lifepath Design
We work with clients to become conscious architects with a precise blueprint to recapture their dreams, re-imagine their lives, and make it vibrant reality.
We archive articles, videos and audios about the work of Carla Woody and Kenosis supporting spiritual evolution, whole health and the earth-honoring values of indigenous wisdom.

A percentage of proceeds from Kenosis programs goes to Kenosis Spirit Keepers, the nonprofit extension founded by Carla Woody, that seeks to honor and preserve indigenous wisdom traditions in danger of decimation.

©1999-2012 Kenosis LLC. Entire contents, all rights reserved

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