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Welcome and Congratulations!

Carla Woody 2012
Carla Woody
Photo credit: Jo Elliott Photography

Just by choosing this initial step you've taken an important action. You've made a clear statement to yourself: I'm done with living the old way. I'm ready to step off the beaten path and re-align my lifepath to all that affirms me.

And did you know that when you make such a proclamation... that you also positively affect family, friends and colleagues? By virtue of focusing on your own evolution others see possibility for themselves! Because — as you progress — you're different and the way you interact with others is richer. You can't help but touch others deeply, too. It's natural and automatic.

That's exactly why I'm dedicated to this work! Together we can build a better world bit-by-bit and flourish ourselves.

Our programs specialize in working with folks to recapture their vision, re-imagine their lives, and make their greatest priorities a vibrant reality — all while living through their spiritual values.

But why should you listen to me? If you read a bit of my story, I believe you'll see.

I used to live a prescriptive, mainstream life on the "fast track" in a corporate environment. But like a hamster on a wheel felt like I was running in place. Increasingly, I became drained of energy, creative urges — my very vibrancy and health. I was getting by... but not really. I was losing myself. My job was profoundly dissatisfying. My relationship was going nowhere. I hadn't found "my people," "my lifework," "my place," and more. And I was consistently stuffing my self-expression. I had a series of wake-up calls: one a serious health issue. But then I began to recognize the opportunities — I look upon them as divine interventions — that would take me from being off track... to living my own prescription of an expressive, celebrated lifepath. I took those series of invitations and haven't stopped yet.

You can read more of my story here, if you like. But I'm more interested in you. Go ahead and download your kit and get started revolutionizing your life.

I know it takes real courage to take the leap. I did it myself and yet here I am: living the life I'd merely dreamt about... doing work that nurtures my soul and makes a difference... engaged in deep relationships... living the lifestyle that suits me well in balance with nature... in a home I love... a path of prosperity and spiritual connection.

If I've done it then you can, too. For more than twenty years I've taught the masterful strategies I learned and mentored people through this evolutionary process. I've put together programs that integrate powerful healing modalities with the best practices and philosophies of world spiritual traditions that I've experienced myself. In fact, it's because of those experiences that I am where I am today. But first I had to decide to make an important choice: to support my own life force.

I'm offering you that invitation. If you want re-align your life and create a pathway that includes any or all of these attributes...
  • Clear direction and ways to effectively implement your dream;
  • A balanced, richer life based on your deeply held values;
  • Deeper relationships and real community;
  • Lifework that allows you to prosper;
  • Robust health and peace of mind;
  • A congruent role model for visionary leadership and service;
  • Living through your Core Self and naturally, positively affect others.
... then get in touch.

From teleseminars to private intensives to spiritual travel programs to my in-depth Navigating Your Lifepath program, all are specifically designed for folks like you who are committed to their own evolution. And I'm expressly invested in supporting your process. You can readily see what others have said here.

Because I have an international reach, coaching and mentoring may place via TELEPHONE, INTERNET, or IN PERSON as most convenient.

For more information about any of our programs, please contact me at or call 1-928-778-1058.

Sending strong intent for your journey.
Carla Woody
Carla Woody, M.A.

Download your Quantum Leap Kit below.

The Re-Membering Process

Special Report:
The Re-Membering Process:
How to Come Home to YourSelf and Thrive

Fork In the Road

The Fork in the Road: How to Move off the Beaten Path
Play (68 MB, 1 hour audio)
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For Windows, right-click Play and choose Save Target As (Internet Explorer) or Save Link As (Firefox).
For Mac OS X, press the Control key as you click Play and choose Download Linked File (in Safari) or Save Link As (in Firefox).

Kenosis Inspirations

Kenosis Inspirations Ezine

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